
Hello, everyone! My name is Antoine, but you can also call me 杰安 (Jieh-an) in Chinese. I hail from Belgium and called Taiwan my home for over five years. The purpose of creating this blog in early 2022 was to fill my free time with something productive and enjoyable. It’s no secret that I have a deep affection for exploring new places and immersing myself in different cultures. Additionally, I find great joy in the art of language learning, which has become one of my strongest passions.

Additionally, I am also co-editor of the Substack “Mandarin Zest“, where we regularly share intermediate to advanced Chinese learning content. Make sure to subscribe!

You can reach out to me by filling the contact form below.

You can also find me on Twitter.

Last but not least, since this blog doesn’t generate any profit, a small donation is always more than welcome 😊

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